Awesome Weekend! I decided to go to NYC for the weekend at around 6PM on Friday after work, so I called my friend Gray and he said, "Get your ass down here!" and so I jumped in the car and cruised on down. Had the chance to drink some great Guiness and eat the second best steak I have ever consumed and went to my favorite Designer Urban Vinyl Shop (sounds much posher than Toy Store doesn't it? and so it should since these are no mere toys, but pieces of sculptured art...if you want to take it that far), myplasticheart, where I had the intention to buy a couple of gifts and Doktor A's 8" LePodd (seen below).

So, while I was looking around the shop, since it was my first time there I was checking out their personal collection. They have some great pieces there and I was admiring the awesomeness of it, when I noticed a Rebel Ink. I said, "I am so so jealous that you have one of those because I missed the boat on collecting and these passed me by." The owner man said, "It is your lucky day because we happen to have one right here!"
BAM! He pulls it out and it looks awesome! It is the last colorway they put out (check the pic below), thus, most common. Either way, I was completly geeked to see it and have him offer to sell it to me. He gave me a price, I thought about it, but couldn't bring myself to spend so much, so I left. The only thing is that it kept eating at me that maybe I could talk him down a few bucks. With that I turned around, went back in and asked if he would be cool enough to cut a few bucks off. He obliged and I paid a slightly less absurd price for it. And so, I present you with my most recent and exciting find Rebel Ink.

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