Thus far he has only produced the vowels, but will produce one of each other letter as well, so get in touch with him soon if you have a preference. They look to run about $500 each, but with the time and effort put into each one it is definitely worth the cheddar....mmmmm...cheese. Back to the Cutty Spot and his letters. Each one is made out of 22 x 30 natural white Archers paper and set by the man himself. You can join his mailing list or give him a shout whenever you want on his site.

Special thanks to Design Milk for putting this up in December. It has been on my mind since then so it had to get its mention. And make sure to keep up with Design Milk whenever you can because it is one great source of art and design.
This post is brought to you by the letter "I" and the number "3".
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