Friday, January 16, 2009

DC x UNKL Double Label Project Graph + SUG

Thanks to ToyCyte I came across this sweet number that will strike a chord with anyone that fancies great toys (or is a completist....mmmmm...more colorways) or rad to the maximus kicks.  

Let us revel in their greatness:

Now, due to my ignorance I am going to quote ToyCyte in their entirety.  Like I said, I'm still learning the game, so it is best to see it from those that know than me.

So sayeth the Cyte:

"Ah, the perfect way to send you off for the weekend, ToyCyte style. We love when toys infiltrate all aspects of popular culture and here’s some sweet proof: DC shoes and UNKL have partnered up to create this limited edition glow-in-the-dark SUG figure and sneaker set. There will be only 450 DC x UNKL Double Label™ Graph and SUG packs (SRP $260) produced. These will be released next Friday, January 23rd from 6-9PM at 5&A Dime during the AGENDA tradeshow in San Diego."

Thank you for the heads-up and may the most obsessive and and compulsive collecters get these!  Flippers need not apply.

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