Sunday, January 18, 2009

Holy Smokes That's A Lot of Posts!

So, this is what happens when it has snowed more than you care to see in a become house-ridden and are forced to look for cool things on the Internets and then post about them multiple times in the span of a few hours.  It also doesn't hurt that it is the weekend and I don't have much else to do, unless watching TV counts and with the selection of shows on nowadays I will pass.  TYVM
The point of interest for me right now is a French blog, La Blogotheque which from my lack of foreign language skills, is about what I consider really good music!  From the translation I was able to decipher that La Blogotheque is a collection of people who have a common bond in their love of music.  So, this weblog eats, sleeps and breathes music.  One thing I love the most is that they have a built-in player with a fantastic selection of bands!  

An example of the bands on their playlist:  Noah and the Whale, Deerhoof, Lykke Li, Grizzly Bear, Sebastien Tellier, Dirty Projectors, and Bon Iver.  That will either give you a good idea of the sounds or make you even more confused.  Go and take a listen because it is pretty much candy for your ears.  Nom nom nom!

And thank you Babelfish for your humble attempt at translation.

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