Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Music for you Eyeballs

Here is probably my favorite wallpaper in the world.  It is designed by Aimee Wilder who is too cool for skool.

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

And who might she be?  Why don't we let her tell us in her own words (because, once again, I am too lazy and just happened upon her)!

Aimée Wilder began working as a freelance graphic designer shortly after graduating from the School of The Art Institute of Chicago in 2001. Aimée has also worked as an in-house designer for several firms including Designspace, Dwell, and Martha Stewart Living. In the past, Aimée has designed for Bed Bath and Beyond, Crate and Barrel, Urban Outfitters, Dwell, Dwellbaby, Martha Stewart Living, MTV Cribs, Skip Hop, and Gap Kids. Most recently, Aimee signed a licensing agreement with Vans to feature three of her designs on shoes and accessories scheduled for release in January 2009.

Aimée draws her inspiration from contemporary graphic art and design world. Influences include typography, logo design, illustration, textiles, urban toy design, and rock poster art. Aimée's current projects include designs for home textiles and accessories, fashion and print.

Thanks Aimée!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Super F*ckers!!

James Kochalka's high, drunk, badass super teens would crush the Teen Titans and probably you too. A 144 page graphic novel is due to be released full of fan favorites and best of issues in December of this year. Until then there are still back issues at Top Shelf worth checking out.

The Theme Song Says it All

SuperF*ckers (Theme Song)
© 2005 James Kochalka

We're always in our clubhouse getting high
Everybody wishes we would die

Here we come, like a bomb,
everybody run and hide.

Our dicks are stuck in the Playstation 3
Everybody wishes they could be

Here we come, like a bomb,
Everybody f*ckin' run and hide.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Get your Fez on!

Indie games are some of the coolest things in the world, next to hover cars and laser beam eyes, of course, and one of the most interesting looking games I can think of right now, which I cannot wait to eventually play is Fez.  This is a 2D game that has incorporated 3D in the most unique and exciting way.  This is a puzzle game that will make your brain explode with awesomeness!

I would give you more information, but all I really know is that it won the "Excellence in Visual Art" award at the Independent Games Festival.  Other than that there is a cloud of mystery around this game.  

The pixel style and the 8-bit soundtrack are beautiful and make for a really pleasurable viewing experience.  Now please enjoy the show. 

Get your planetary gear calling card today!

It has been a while since I posted anything, but unfortunately the real world of work has kept me from it.  Anyway, during my free time I like to waste it by scanning the Nets for interesting things.  I will give you a few more things over the weekend to hopefully wet your appetite for more as time goes by.  

For you right now I have an interesting little craft project for you that is pretty cool.  I would like to see more interesting designs on the front of these, but I think this stuff is awesome!  I want to make one of my own here and when I do I'll make sure to post it.

Thanks to phooky for designing, building and posting the Planetary Gear Calling Card on Thingiverse.  It is really cool what people can come up with through a bit of creativity and pure genius.

Here is one that was made by 4volt, which was built and lazer-etched.  Very cool indeed.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Kosai Sekine and the Art of Simplicity

Here is something cool that I pulled out of my files. A super cool friend of mine, Chris, showed me Kosai Sekine a couple of years ago and I have come back to his videos every now and then because they are awesome. First, his bio thanks to his site because I am too impatient to put it into my own words and restate what his site says so well.
Born 1976.

Kosai majored in philosophy at Tokyo's Sophia University, but his interest in film brought him abroad to the United States, to learn the basics of photography and film production.

He graduated from Sophia in 2000 and in that same year entered the commercial production company SPOON Ltd. After working as production manager, he signed with HAT Co., Ltd. in 2002 with the aim of becoming a director.

In 2005, his script won the competition for the short-film showcase presented by JAC held at the Asia-Pacific Advertising Festival and was selected as the Japanese representative director. Though it was his first direction, the short "RIGHT PLACE" was highly praised throughout the world, winning him with 'Best Foreign Film Award' at the New York City Short Film Festival, as well as 'Diesel Film of the Festival Award' at the Raindance Film Festival.

"RIGHT PLACE" also appeared at festivals such as ResFest and onedotzero, etc. Shots selected him as a member of "Shots New Directors", an honorable title dedicated to the world's best newcomer directors.

Kosai, having been invited to do the opening film for the Raindance Film Festival, directed "Daughter" with the sponsorship of Diesel. He was awarded in 3 categories, including the Special Jury Award 2006 (Grand-Prix), at Young Directors Award 2006 in Cannes International Advertising Festival presented by SHOTS and CFP-E, an unprecedented number of awards to be achieved in the same year in the history of the festival.

He is ranked 1st in the 'New Director' category of 2006 advertising ranking reported by SHOTS.

Kosai has directed various commercials and is currently broadening his director activities globally. He can be reached at 'hybrid' in Japan as well as the following foreign productions and agents worldwide.

Here are two of his most well-known video "Right Place" and "Daughter" (per the bio above). What I love about it is the minimalist sort of simplicity. That could just me being snobby or trying to be pretentious, but I am not meaning to be! I swear! I just like the limited use of dialog, the colors and the OCD side to it. This is a great video that will make you smile unless your heart is made of stone or coal or doo doo. Hope you like the music and quirkiness of it!

Right Place


I just wish I was able to move like that and be so so fresh!  I love when the old lady is walking by and everything slows down.  Rad to the maximus!  Alright, enough with the exclamat!on points and on with my evening.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Holy Smokes That's A Lot of Posts!

So, this is what happens when it has snowed more than you care to see in a day...you become house-ridden and are forced to look for cool things on the Internets and then post about them multiple times in the span of a few hours.  It also doesn't hurt that it is the weekend and I don't have much else to do, unless watching TV counts and with the selection of shows on nowadays I will pass.  TYVM
The point of interest for me right now is a French blog, La Blogotheque which from my lack of foreign language skills, is about what I consider really good music!  From the translation I was able to decipher that La Blogotheque is a collection of people who have a common bond in their love of music.  So, this weblog eats, sleeps and breathes music.  One thing I love the most is that they have a built-in player with a fantastic selection of bands!  

An example of the bands on their playlist:  Noah and the Whale, Deerhoof, Lykke Li, Grizzly Bear, Sebastien Tellier, Dirty Projectors, and Bon Iver.  That will either give you a good idea of the sounds or make you even more confused.  Go and take a listen because it is pretty much candy for your ears.  Nom nom nom!

And thank you Babelfish for your humble attempt at translation.

The Alphabet Has Never Looked So Amazing

The once was an graphic designer named Peter Karras who decided he would make the alphabet out of fancy paper.  He took his sharp knife and sharper mind and sliced out slivers of paper leaving intricate and gorgeous sheets of single letters.

Thus far he has only produced the vowels, but will produce one of each other letter as well, so get in touch with him soon if you have a preference.  They look to run about $500 each, but with the time and effort put into each one it is definitely worth the cheddar....mmmmm...cheese.  Back to the Cutty Spot and his letters.  Each one is made out of 22 x 30 natural white Archers paper and set by the man himself.  You can join his mailing list or give him a shout whenever you want on his site.  

Special thanks to Design Milk for putting this up in December.  It has been on my mind since then so it had to get its mention.  And make sure to keep up with Design Milk whenever you can because it is one great source of art and design.

This post is brought to you by the letter "I" and the number "3".  

Jewelry for the Audiophile

This morning I was perusing The Giant Peach and found a ring that should be the part of any vinyl records collector's attire.  

Han Cholo, aka Brandon Schoolhouse, has a fantastic collection of jewelry that will make any cool geek drool with everything from turntables to skull castles to rims.  Definitely worth giving a look if you are interested in finding a non-traditional piece of jewelry that will make everyone else around you jealous.  Sometimes it is hard being the coolest person in the world without anyone noticing, so here is your chance to get them heads turning!

One of my personal favorites is the Turntable (there is also a fancier Knights of the Turntable version):

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fast Class with the Puma Speedcat Re-Luxe

I had to show everyone these amazing kicks that I am planning to save for now that I have a real job in RL.  These come from Puma and while they have been dancing in the world of dress / formal kicks and now that this blog is around I think it is worth noting their designs.  Here are a couple of examples of what they have to offer.  
Speedcat Re-Luxe (Men's)

AMQ Skin (Women's)

These are definitely shoes I am willing to save for.  Absolutely beautiful.

The Japanese Make UPC Look Cool

The other day I came across this awesome Japanese company, D-Barcode, that makes barcodes that I would want on my packages.  In my opinion, if I had a company that was in-the-know and wanted to show that I knew cool, then I would have them design me something!  Maybe I will come up with something like this one day and become a bazillionaire.  

Friday, January 16, 2009

Danger Daniel! Danger! Watch them 'Nades!

Not that this is really new news, but I had to pre-order the Daniel Danger Nades from Cardboard Spaceship because they are really, really cool.  They are great designs as figures go and the artwork on them looks great.  

If you don't know who Daniel Danger you can stop by Posters and Toys and take a look at some of his prints.  He is well known for he band posters and the fact that, while they are extremely beautiful there is also an eerie (perhaps creepy) side to them.  See here:
Anyway, Daniel Danger teamed up with Jamungo (or vice-versa, I don't really know) and made a set that makes me so excited that I will have them soon!  The Nades are 3.75 inches tall and are limited to 500.  Nom nom nom!

So, what we have here is a mashup that should make most people happy (if they have a heart).  Also, if you want another cool toy from Jamungo look at Crappy Cat.  He is adorable and drunk and currently comes in three colorways (OG, mono and black).  I lean strongest toward the original because the mono just seems a bit blah and the black give just a bit more in terms pizzazz and the yellow eye makes it look like I'm getting the stink eye from the guy.  Meow.

Sorry for the trimming Jamungo, but I can't get pictures to fit properly in this blasted blog.

DC x UNKL Double Label Project Graph + SUG

Thanks to ToyCyte I came across this sweet number that will strike a chord with anyone that fancies great toys (or is a completist....mmmmm...more colorways) or rad to the maximus kicks.  

Let us revel in their greatness:

Now, due to my ignorance I am going to quote ToyCyte in their entirety.  Like I said, I'm still learning the game, so it is best to see it from those that know than me.

So sayeth the Cyte:

"Ah, the perfect way to send you off for the weekend, ToyCyte style. We love when toys infiltrate all aspects of popular culture and here’s some sweet proof: DC shoes and UNKL have partnered up to create this limited edition glow-in-the-dark SUG figure and sneaker set. There will be only 450 DC x UNKL Double Label™ Graph and SUG packs (SRP $260) produced. These will be released next Friday, January 23rd from 6-9PM at 5&A Dime during the AGENDA tradeshow in San Diego."

Thank you for the heads-up and may the most obsessive and and compulsive collecters get these!  Flippers need not apply.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Your Daily Monster

This is a blog I came across thanks to Spanky Stokes and his vinyl toy blog, which is very good if you haven't read it before. The Daily Monster is the creation of Stephan G. Bucher, who is an artist, story writer and so on. I really don't know much about him, but I really enjoyed this site, so I wanted to pass it on. So here is a sample video from The Daily Monster. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lost luggage...I DON'T THINK SO!!!

I was scanning my RSS Feed after days of ignoring the thing when I came across some of the coolest luggage!  A luggage specialty company by the name of Jump collaborated with Artoyz (France's toy extrodinaires) to develop the myDotDrops. series of luggage.  Let us hope you can speak French as you navigate the site. Nom nom nom!  

So, what you do is order it, stick on your design and use it.  Here is the one I made cause I'm awesome:
My job is done for the day!  Be on your way and be happy you just got a taste of something good.

Monday, January 12, 2009

How to Melt My Plastic Heart

Awesome Weekend!  I decided to go to NYC for the weekend at around 6PM on Friday after work, so I called my friend Gray and he said, "Get your ass down here!" and so I jumped in the car and cruised on down.  Had the chance to drink some great Guiness and eat the second best steak I have ever consumed and went to my favorite Designer Urban Vinyl Shop (sounds much posher than Toy Store doesn't it?  and so it should since these are no mere toys, but pieces of sculptured art...if you want to take it that far), myplasticheart, where I had the intention to buy a couple of gifts and Doktor A's 8" LePodd (seen below).  

So, while I was looking around the shop, since it was my first time there I was checking out their personal collection.  They have some great pieces there and I was admiring the awesomeness of it, when I noticed a Rebel Ink.  I said, "I am so so jealous that you have one of those because I missed the boat on collecting and these passed me by."  The owner man said, "It is your lucky day because we happen to have one right here!"  

BAM!  He pulls it out and it looks awesome!  It is the last colorway they put out (check the pic below), thus, most common.  Either way, I was completly geeked to see it and have him offer to sell it to me.  He gave me a price, I thought about it, but couldn't bring myself to spend so much, so I left.  The only thing is that it kept eating at me that maybe I could talk him down a few bucks.  With that I turned around, went back in and asked if he would be cool enough to cut a few bucks off.  He obliged and I paid a slightly less absurd price for it.  And so, I present you with my most recent and exciting find Rebel Ink.

Thank you again MPH for selling me Rebel Ink!  You were a great store before, but now I have to bump you to the best store I know!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

iPhoto FTW

Apples new iPhoto 09 is in a word- Sweet. They've introduced new features such as Faces- which organizes your photos based on whose in them. iPhoto uses face recognition to automatically match faces that looks similar making finding all of your snapshots of your crazy uncle June-bug that much easier and helps with the dreaded tagging by synching with Facebook. Check the video here... it gets better...

iPhoto Facebook- Upgrade
iPhoto Places- Upgrade
iPhoto Events- Upgrade
iPhoto SmartAlbums- Upgrade
iPhoto GPS- What?!

it even folds your laundry.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Your Daily Bread

I am happy to announce that I have just pre-ordered the first of what should be an amazing set of colorways for Kathie Olivas' 9" Two-Faced Hazel (thank you Magic Pony for being a great site!  Go Canada!).  For those who don't know who she is, you can either check out her website or her blog for more information on her art and awesomeness.  

So, what is this Two-Faced Hazel you ask?  It would be this:

One of the coolest urban/designer vinyl toys that I have been waiting for since it has been in the works (or since I found out it was in the works).  She is based on the 3" Hazel from KO's "The Scavengers" Series 1 and is probably the most coveted in either one of the 2 Scavenger series.  This 9" version is the OG and is limited to only 500 (releases January 6th).  If you want to go even more exclusive you can try to pick up one of the 150 DIY that are being sold.  You can find this at the Vinyl Pulse site some time tomorrow (January 6th) if you are fast enough and have $100 to drop.  Mmmmmmm...  

Side note:  I just got 3 other toys in the mail today and will let you know more about them once I get off two of them to a friend of mine for a late Christmas gift.  Yes, you know who you are!

Creative Juice

Cruising the web today I crossed this blognificent beauty. Who knew alcohol and art could be such a winning combination? Enter - The Museum of Drunken Art- Check it

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Burning cool into your cranium

We are Incognitoast.  We are here to keep you knowledged on some of the many cools of the Web.   We touch on a little of everything because we can't stay focused.  

Urban vinyl, art, graphic design, babies, cartoons, clothes, music, fonts and the whole lot.

Served up with a big slab of butter.

Buen provecho.