Monday, March 30, 2009

White Cap + Swing Tag

Equals This (give or take a few dope variables)

From Foster's comes Nelson. But you gotta be in Australia apparently to drink it.

From TheTabooGroup:

"We’re not at liberty to divulge much more information at this time, lest to say that if you wish to meet a stranger you heard about online that won’t turn out to be a balding, middle aged trannie, then NELSON BEER can be found at the following venues: Sister Bella, St Jeromes, Sarti, 161, Collins Quarter, Katuk, Argie Bargie, Yellow Bird, Revolver, Mr Wilkinson, Electric Lady Lounge, Trunk, Nevermind, Windsor Castle, Cherry Bar, Carlton Club and Blue Bar…"

From :

"Itʼs been a long time coming, but the Trial Brew, also known as Batch #15, has finally been dubbed andofficially launched.

Trial Brew began its life in a plain bottle appearing as a silent sponsor of music, fashion, and art eventsduring the latter months of 2008. At these events, as well as through a website and special informationpostcard, we gathered feedback from creative types (approximately 1,000 of them) regarding the look, taste,and possible names for the beer.

This information was then collated in a neatly labelled ring binder and sent to our brewers and various otherimportant people. After analysing this information the educated types made a few minor changes to TrialBrew, resulting in the Nelson we see today."

Next the taste was built on Customer Feedback, the plain bottle was shopped out to various designers, and Nelson was complete.

As much as the incognitoast crew loves beer, we also love packaging. More photos and info can be seen and read here at TheTabooGroup, the masterminds behind the design project.

I need a brew.

Milk? Is that you?

Boxed Water is Better, LLC sought out to make a more earth friendly water bottle and came up with this. Boxed water. Pretty Package, no? Clean, like water should be. Bonus: 20% of the proceeds goes to reforestation amongst other environmentally awesome ventures.

Find out more about their mission here.

And check out UnCrate who lead me to the discovery.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Get this... They're $12. Yup. $12

From Knockaround

"Our Knockaround Premium model has the same classic sunglasses shape as the Knockaround Original model, but incorporates higher quality plastic, smoother hinges, and scratch-resistant lenses. Knockaround Premium models also feature a slightly edgier lens line and a key-hole notch at the top of the nose bridge."

What are the originals? I'll tell you... $7. Take them on vacation, you can afford to replace these.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Tauba Auerbach is typographically brilliant, if there is such a thing.

A film-maker gets a tiny camera installed into his prosthetic eye. The Eyeborg Project. Check Check it.

EYEBORG-- The Two Week Trial from eyeborg on Vimeo.

Does the horrible kerning on blogspot bother anyone else?

Swiss Miss x Swiss Type

Came across this today on Veer: Helvetica laser cut into suede. Ooh. Pretty.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pardee Knows What's Up

Happy Birthday to Me...

Can't wait to see The Watchmen tomorrow.

Alex Pardee released a set of limited art prints over NYC Comic Con in early Feb, and of course I wasn't there to get one but maybe, just maybe, one will show up on my doorstep in a shiny gold tube with my name on it if I dream hard enough. Le Sigh.

From his Blog

"Maybe it was because most of the Minutemen didnt even have powers, they just WANTED to be superheroes, and the world hated them. Or maybe it was because Silk Spectre fell out of love with Manhattan because he was a workaholic, or because Rorshach saw dead dogs when he looked at an ink blot, but never really told anyone what he felt, or maybe it was the fear and the desperation of the guy who was scared of the Black Freighter, and where else can someone like the Comedian be a rapist AND a hero?

Regardless, I was unknowingly obsessed with it back then, as most of the superheroes i drew at that time were just bunk combinations of those characters.

Looking back now, a lot of things from Watchmen stuck with me, i always said my first tattoo was going to be a Rorshach test. I have always looked at owls as lonely but heroic animals. I BELIEVED that when you teleported, you vomitted, so much so that I called bullshit on Seth Brundle in The Fly. I never saw anything wrong with Dr Manhattans work ethic and his complete disregard for the rest of the world and his relationships. I subconsciously adapted his work ethic, which is probably a bad thing. I kept sugar cubes in my pocket when i worked at the credit card processing company in sacramento. I liked the 12 monkey's movie marketing because it reminded me of "who watches the watchmen?" and I even repeatedly dreamt of going to Mars for a day.
In fact, i still do"

From Our Blog.

"I can't wait to see the Watchmen tomorrow."